I've seen the picture below a few times on various social media. Every time that I see it I'm saddened by what it says.
I can honestly say that I am a reader and it's not because I'm a writer. I enjoyed reading long before I ever thought about being a writer. For as long as I can remember I've loved to read. I was and still am fascinated by the worlds found within the pages of a book. As a child I would get lost in the writings of C.S. Lewis. Middle-earth was a real place in my imagination long before it ever graced the screen. As I grew older I found heroes like Jack Ryan and John Clark and I fell in love alongside the characters of Nicholas Sparks.
These days I ride atop dragons with Eragon, sit strapped in on the command deck alongside Honor Harrington and live the life of the immortal PICA named Merlyn Athrawes on the planet Safehold.
I ask you this, are you a reader? Have you felt the joy of losing yourself within the pages of a story? If you have then share it with others. Don't let these statistics stand.