“I’m Dominique Sipika, this the second in our series surrounding the recent events that have come to be known as the Lovers Quartet. I’m here with our very own Veronica Harwood. She is one of the individuals involved in these unusual events. Ms. Harwood would you care to tell our viewer about yourself.’
“I’m currently a segment producer in the sports casting division here at the station, but I do occasionally produce some hard news segments. For all the men out there I’m quite single and highly available.”
“Ah, yes. Can you tell us about these Lover’s Quartet events?”
“This whole thing is ridiculous. They have you covering it as if it is some kind of major event, but it’s a bunch of bull s—. It’s completely preposterous.”
“Ms. Harwood I shouldn’t need to remind you that such language is uncalled for.”
“Oops, sorry. I kinda’ got a little carried away. It’s just that this has gotten on my nerves. Ashley thinks that everything has some paranormal explanation to it when there’s a perfectly logical reason for it. She’s even got Elena believing in it. She’s like a sister to me and all. So I’m really worried for her, but she has got to get her head out of the clouds and back to Earth if she ever wants to get better.”
“You say there’s a logical explanation for this. What exactly would that be?”
“Ashley’s seeing a therapist for one thing–a really crusty old bitty who doesn’t know her head from her a - backside. I mean this woman is having her draw out her dreams instead of sending her to a real doctor to find out what’s really wrong with her. This whole thing could just be some chemical imbalance in her body. There’s nothing supernatural about that.”
“So your saying that all of these strange events are caused by some undiagnosed medical condition.”
“What I’m saying is that’s what it could be. We won’t know unless she gets some real medical help.”
“I’d like to discuss this with you more, but I’m afraid we’re out of time. Tune in next time and I’ll be interviewing Elena Michealson.