I’m Dominique Sipika, this is the third and final in our series surrounding the recent events that have come to be known as the Lovers Quartet. I’m here with Elena Michaelson. She is one of the individuals involved in these unusual events. Ms. Michaelson would you care to tell our viewer about yourself.
I’m a physical education teacher at the local high school. I’m also the head volleyball coach.
You’re quite young to be a head coach aren’t you?
Yes I am. I believe I’m the youngest in the state. Before coming here I was a graduate assistant for the universities volleyball team. During my time at the university I was captain of the team during two of the three national championship seasons. But enough about me. From what I was told you wanted to hear about what’s been happening to my fellow EVA.
Eva what or who is that?
Oh, that’s a pet name our college residence adviser gave us years ago. It’s the combination of the first letter of our names; E for myself, V for Veronica and A for Ashley. It’s stuck with us ever since. Those two are like the sisters I never had growing up. I don’t know what I’d do without them. That’s why I’m so worried about Ashley.
Why is that?
That dream of hers is frightening, not just for what it’s doing to her physically, but emotionally as well.
Yes, I remember she didn’t look good when she came in for her interview. I only saw that one moment when she lost control.
That was not like her at all. Before all this began she was one of the happiest people I’ve ever know. Now I’m afraid for her. She’s my sister and there’s nothing I can do for her.
Why are you afraid?
I’m scared that I might lose her.
In my last interview Veronica intimated that all of this was in Ashley’s head. What do you think?
Veronica has her opinion and I’ve found that it is often wrong. I believe Ashley. Everything that is happening is real to her and that’s all that matters to me. I won’t dismiss it because it doesn’t fit in with what someone believes is normal or real.
I would love to continue our chat, but I’m afraid we’re out of time.