Working in the sports therapy field for some fifteen years the opportunity to work in some diverse areas came about and led to the meeting of some very competitive, challenging individuals, who make up the sporting world. Current affairs of the heart of many women today allowed me to see that we all search for the perfect soul partner. Both male and female clients produced this result, from many a conversation and gossip on the bench, (massage work relaxes the body as well as the mind). Clients worldwide found choosing their ideal partner a lottery.
This inspired me to look more closely at how marriage choices are made through the heart or the mind. Having traveled round the world my research led me to be inspired by the excitement of each country visited and how my heroine could become incorporated within these settings combining the sporting calendar and outdoor pursuits of each destination I found exciting and that created a passion within.
What do you have coming out in the future?
I have been a little sidetracked by working on a third novel completely different to my first two stories that were linked. This one is more a diary format, comical throughout and based on a young girl in her twenties, stumbling through her love life in pursuit of her number one guy. The hit and miss of gaining the attention of someone you desire. Who may know nothing of your intentions? Family and friends who have your best intentions can play havoc to your plans. I have been enjoying this so much that I have neglected my sequel and do need to go back to this ASAP.
What genre do you enjoy writing the most and why?
I do I have to admit I enjoy Romance. Either reading or writing. Crime I love to read but to produce this genre you need to have a fantastic planned and analytical approach to writing. For myself I like to be spontaneous. I admire any writer who is into Crime fiction along with Historical Romance where research is paramount to produce a compelling story.
With romance it is a great escapism for reader and writer. Any time from the dark ages to the future, love is what makes the world tick. Attraction is all around us. It is in our genes. A little changed over the years with same sex marriages but the lure of a love for another being is still the back bone of every one’s life.
How people relate to love is a close line of desire, lust, love or hate. Thus a host of emotions can run through a story between the characters depending on what situation they are placed in and with whom. We act quite irrationally when in love bordering on insanity. Romance can lead the reader anywhere.
From where do you draw your inspiration?
Mainly from quotes people chat about innocently. Situations they have been in, possibly myself as well. Lyrics of songs are great they invoke such passion and in romance perfect to draw on. Films produce ideas for prose not so much ideas for the whole subject of the book as that is not creative but certain ideas. Night time the mind drifts and the best ideas come then. Though you need to jot this down as before you know it the memory has disappeared by morning. Travel in your own county or country can reveal a lot of inspiration. News articles or magazines all stimulate ideas.
Do you ever base your characters on real people in your life?
I do, but very loosely. Friends who read your book tend to think you have written the character exactly as themselves. Meaning any new traits you develop in the character for the storyline they take on board that is your opinion of them. Trying to convince them otherwise is no mean feat. It is unavoidable if one trait is well known and identifies them. You just have to say it is a smorgasbord of ideas. No one character is a true life person.
What kind of books do you like to read?
I strangely do not read many novels I love non-fiction especially in the field of biology or spiritual books of the unknown. I find these fascinating such as Molecules of emotion, where our body is affected by our emotions more than we realize. Everything is connected and affected by our thought patterns the placebo effect, Chinese medicine the meridian system.
If I was reading a novel, I love a good Peter James crime novel, bit gory in parts but with a well written cliff hanger on every chapter.
How have your real life experiences influenced your writing?
Being a sports therapist by trade I chose my lead heroine to be in the same field. This allowed less research. Initially being a first time writer I needed to explore the writing process slowly and not make glaring mistakes. I loved the idea of incorporating locations I had travelled to so much to explore. Storylines for me in one compressed area or situation I find too suffocating.
People I have met, sports I enjoy and friends that crossed my path, have allowed little quirks or situations to be recorded and later used for inspiration, when working on the characters in the novel.
It is in day to day life that the most strangest of situations can occur. Comments that are passed, traits and irritating personalities all make up the world. A real feasting pot to draw on.
How did you come up with the title of your book?
My Title was not an easy one to create. First choices were very cliché and certainly didn’t convey what I was really wanting to portray in the novel. The back bone of the story is do we ever meet our soulmate in our lifetime or do they slip through our fingers from lack of persistence or even go unnoticed? Do they have to be our spouse or can they be just a fleeting acquaintance that crosses our path.?
Rekindling Connections although a long title, allowed me to hopefully convey the story of how relationships and friendships can rekindle at various stages in our lives. From past connections made innocently or more intimately in the past.
Is your book a stand alone or a series?
My first novel is set with a sequel to come. Who knows there may be a third depending how it runs. I will see how the inspiration leads as the story develops.
What celebrity would you chose to play the main character(s) in the movie rendition of your book?
I would love my book as a movie but wouldn’t we all.
Tyler Montogomery (blond, loose curls, steely blue eyes, muscular frame, tall ) - Charlie Hunnam
Brett McNeil ( dark curly haired, long lashes, brown eyes. Lean, fit frame) – Brett Dalton
Bruce Loxley ( very dark, smart, polished , shy demeanor, business like) - Henry Cavill
Zara my heroine I am still a work in process, being a tousled, soft Raphaelite curled, redhead I need to look closely at the new young actors on the block.
Which of your characters is your favorite and why
My favourite character is Tyler Montgomery. I created this male as someone to create a little controversy. Charming, dashing and deadly sexy, his arrogance and treatment of the opposite sex is not something that lies comfortably with some people. He has a way of luring the ladies in but for the weak that desire more from him, they can be crushed and discarded easily. They need to be as masculine as he is and utilize him in the exactly the same way to survive the relationship. He is drawn to a strong personality but laser in easily seeing any weakness, allowing him to play on his for his own fun and devilment.
What is your preferred writing environment?
This would have to be in complete peace and quiet, when everyone is asleep first thing n morning or out of the house. I can let my mind wander and not be interrupted. I hate this when I’m in a flowing, writing mode and have to stop in mid-stream. I can never get back to the idea. I also like to write a little on holiday when inspiration strikes. I can be anywhere in the house but as long as I am comfortable.
How would you describe your writing style?
Very slapdash and certainly never following the rules. If a rule is set I will go against it. There are many novels produced that are so diverse and I am sure if they had followed the A to B way of writing they would never have produced the book. If you think it is right then just go ahead and do it. A good proofreader will say if grammar is poor and needs changing. The voice and accent of the writer and also the character is diverse now as long as the reader can understand the language and it is not some made up alien it should read fine after the polishing process.
If you desire many characters or writing in a certain tense just try it. You will know if it sounds awkward once you work over the novel. Experiment. Don’t be constricted.
Do you have a careful plan when plotting your stories or do you just go with the flow?
I never follow a plan as I find this stunts any creativity. I like to gain ideas and jot them down for future reference. When starting my first novel after three chapters I wrote my ending then allowed the story to flow and finally link with my end goal.
Half way through I decided my opening chapter was too weak to send to publishers and dragged later chapters forward to the beginning, going back in time for the rest for the story. This then created a little thought process required to link them together, for a satisfying completion but was great fun in working with this formula.
By allowing you to go with the flow the story can develop naturally rather than having to be inspired along a rigid format.
When did you know you truly wanted to give writing a shot?
I think this was once I had got half way through and found myself excited to get to the end. Once re reading parts I found it was a very meditative state to be in when in the flow. Vast chunks of written word I couldn’t remember writing. It was as if someone else had produced it. I then met a lovely proofreader who encouraged me to set a launch date and get things finalized. The route to go along was self-publishing. From then it was the one and only direction to go.
But is Bruce as honest as appearances portray? Returning to Zara’s hedonistic past, we career into lust & temptation head on in the form of Tyler Montgomery. The devilishly good looking, though arrogant Polo player, causing sexual havoc in his wake. But a when a new younger competitor enters the love arena, has Zara met her match? Brett McNeil with his wild sense of adventure & mischievous streak that so attracts Zara’s eye lingers seductively in the shadows of her fast paced life.
Is fate in control or do we really have a choice? Which player will ultimately win? Or does life have its own game plan?